Happy 4th of July Weekend!! Here are a few farm fresh updates from Shawnee Springs…
Let’s get ready for a long weekend! We have a TON of perfect holiday items at Shawnee! Be sure to look for our new red, white and blue chips, jars of salsa, fresh cantaloupe and watermelon and South Carolina sweet corn! The farm has started to pick peppers and we have also expanded our craft beer section at the Cross Junction Market! We also have a BIG event on Saturday, see below for details!
Shawnee Springs Markets
Happy July 4th Weekend!!! Are you gearing up for the holiday weekend??
Be sure to add these items to your shopping list!
- SC Sweet Corn – .69/ear
$3.99/half dozen
- Georgia Cantaloupe – $3.99
- Raspberries – $4.99/pint
- Watermelon
- Peaches
- Peppers
- Vine ripened tomatoes
…and so much more! We are fully stocked on salsa, BBQ sauce, craft beers, baked goods and everything in-between!
Picking Update!!! The crew has began to pick peppers! Woo hoo!! This is just the beginning of more produce coming from our farm but here is the list of peppers that have began to be picked:
- Purple bell pepper
- Yellow bell pepper
- Jalapeno Pepper
- Sweet Snacking Pepper
Shawnee Springs Market | Cross Junction, VA – 6656 N Frederick Pike, Cross Junction, VA 22625
Shawnee Springs Market | Winchester, VA – 1488 Senseny Rd, Winchester, VA 22602

Saturday July, 2nd 2022 | 2pm – 6pm
Save the date for this FREE sampling event by
Shawnee Springs – Winchester!
NEW!!! Mattie’s Soft Serve Ice Cream will be on site from 1pm – 5pm

Want to see more?!?! Follow our Facebook & Instagram for daily photos!
Join our team: Available positions are listed on indeed.com
- Victoria Hoff | Marketing Manager | Shawnee Springs |victoria.hoff@shawneesprings.com